Le'Bonjour To mywonderworld ![]() Bismillahirahmanirahim. Welcome to myworld. Please be nice here and do follow me. Xiexie :) NO HARDWORD please anons. Don't like? Get lost. Ask.Fm • Dashboard Tagboard! Credits! |
Create Your Own Navbar (blogskin only) Assalamualaikum and holla! (: harini, aku nak buat tutorial macam mana nak buat navbar sendiri. Jom mula! 1. Dashboard - Template - Edit HTML - CTRL+F - Search code nie : <head>2. Dah jumpa? Pastekan code ni di bawah code <head> tadi tu ye : <div style="position:absolute; overflow-x:hidden; overflow-y:hidden; padding:2px; left:0px; top:0px; width:99.7%; background: #ffffff; opacity:0.7; color:#1c1c1c; font-size:11px; text-align:center;"> You have been here,welcome | <a href="http://www.blogger.com/home">Dashboard</a> | <a href="http://www.blogger.com/follow-blog.g?blogID=Your Blog ID">+Follow</a></div> Klu : Warna purple korang tukar dengan warna yang korang suka. Warna biru tukar dengan ayat korang sendiri. Warna merah tukar dengan blog id korang. Okey, bye! :] |