Le'Bonjour To mywonderworld ![]() Bismillahirahmanirahim. Welcome to myworld. Please be nice here and do follow me. Xiexie :) NO HARDWORD please anons. Don't like? Get lost. Ask.Fm • Dashboard Tagboard! Credits! |
Transparentkan Header Assalamualaikum and salam maal hijrah! :] okeylah, harinie aku nak buat tutorial macam mana nak transparentkan header, ni bukan untuk blogskin, but for siapa2 guna simple template, yang template lain aku tak tahulah! Hihikk..Okey, jom beggin : 1. Dashboard - Design - Edit HTML - CTRL+F - Seacrh code nie : /* Mobile2. Dah jumpa? Okey good ^^, pastekan code ni dekat ATAS code /* Mobile tadi. .header-outer, .content-inner { background-color: transparent; }.main-outer, .tabs-outer { background-color: $(content.background.color);}.tabs-inner .widget ul { margin: 0px -15px;}.content-inner{padding: 0px;3. Preview dulu, kalau menjadi baru save laju2 ye. K bye2 semua. Assalamualaikum! :] |