Le'Bonjour To mywonderworld ![]() Bismillahirahmanirahim. Welcome to myworld. Please be nice here and do follow me. Xiexie :) NO HARDWORD please anons. Don't like? Get lost. Ask.Fm • Dashboard Tagboard! Credits! |
Tag Again :) Salam and hye :) Aku di tag lagi..tapi dah lama dah dia tag..sorry ye fara sebab baru nak buat. Hehe. And thanks jugak sebab tag saya. Smile sampai ke gigi. :D the rules : -You must post these rules. -Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal. -Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post. And create eleven new questions for the people you tagged to answer. -You have to choose 11 people to tag and link them to the post. -Go to their page and tell them you have tagged him/her. -No tag backs. -No stuff in the tagging section about 'You are tagged if you are reading this' you legitimately (a.k.a really, trust, with all honesty) have to tag 11 people. 11 things about me : 1. My name is Fara Aina Umardiyah 2. I'm thirteen years old. 3. I born on 14 Mei. 4. I want to be a lecturer. 5. Love donut very much. 6. Like to smile and smile. 7. Friendly :) 8. I've 4 sister and I'm the second. 9. Love cats too. 10. Don't like K-POP. 11. I like green and softy cream orange colour. Question from Fara :
My answer : 1. Of coz single. Couple is trouble :P 2. Errr..novel. 3. Kalau tak de macam mana? Okey,kalau ada of coz aku pilih yang sporting..sebabnya i don't know. Hehe. 4. Paris, China,and Mekkah. 5. Of coz green and cream softy orange. 6. Dua2 aku cakap tak best. 7. Adik aku. Sebabnya dia paling rapat ngan aku then dia seorang yang gila2-funny :) 8. Dua2 okey. 9. Simple gila lah blog fara! Then, cute miut. :3 My question pula: 1. Pernah kiss cat tak? Kenapa? 2. Selalu celebrate birthday? 3. Warna biru atau pink? 4. Ibu bapa/ Kawan2 mana yang penting? 5. Samsung galaxy tab or Ipad 2? Kenapa? 6. Apa gajet yang korang ada? 7. Pernah diet tak? Kenapa ye? 8. Kenapa korang buat blog? Suka suki ke ada sebab2 nya? 9. Apa pendapat korang tentang blog aku? (soalan ntah pape2. -.-' annoying giler kan?) Tagged them : 1. Amira Najwa 3. Nur Asyiqin 4. Nurul Atiqah 4 orang je lah. Dah penat tangan nie :3. K bye. |