Le'Bonjour To mywonderworld

Bismillahirahmanirahim. Welcome to myworld. Please be nice here and do follow me. Xiexie :) NO HARDWORD please anons. Don't like? Get lost.

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Template: Dilla Eyra
Header By : Tyra
Edited By: FaraAina

Header aq!

Hye :)
good morning..
korang nak tau x aq bangun pagi je terus hadap komputer..
sebabnya semata2 nak buat header..
yela first time tu :}
so,aq nya header buruk sikit lah..
lagi sikit je nak siap..
cuma dowload gimp software..
nak transparentkan je..
nie aq nak tunjuk header aq nie..

okey x? kalau x aq nak tukar...teheee..
meuwww :}

p/s : aq belom mandi semata2 buat benda tu..
bye2 saya busuk! ^^