Le'Bonjour To mywonderworld

Bismillahirahmanirahim. Welcome to myworld. Please be nice here and do follow me. Xiexie :) NO HARDWORD please anons. Don't like? Get lost.

Entries About Linkies Stuff



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Template: Dilla Eyra
Header By : Tyra
Edited By: FaraAina


Assalamualaikum semua
apa khabar?
pejam celik pejam celik dah tinggal beberapa hari je nak raya..
dah beli baju raya?
kasut raya?

aq? ermm..belom lagi..tapi x pe..sabo2..:)
harinie aq nak bercerita tentang TUMBLR..
korang tahu x TUMBLR tu apa?
TUMBLR tu mcm blog ek?
best ke?

maklumlah..aq baru je buat TUMBLR nie..
mmg BLUR lah dibuatnya..
hahaha! :))
sapa2 kat sini ada TUMBLR x?
leh ajar aq?
hehe..korang amat diperlukan..:)
tapi sorry x de upah..:P

kalau nak tengok TUMBLR aq tu..
kejap ek..aq bagi link..link...aq geli
harap korang support me okey..;)

thank you for reading my entri..
i really appericiate..
Assalamualaikum ^_^